Saturday, September 29, 2007

#5 Flickr

Originally uploaded by Auntie P

I've been looking through Flickr this week and I've found a photo of a shell which I find fascinating. I love collecting shells from the beach - my kids do too. I'm amazed at how much there is on Flickr - I could certainly spend a lot of time on this site.

We have to talk about technology this week and I would like to comment on how technology savvy my kids are. They are only 4, 6 and 8 yet they have so much knowledge. They have been born into the internet age and it is second nature to them. My daughter gets on the net almost every day after school looking up things related to her classroom or just looking up websites she has seen on the television or on toy packaging. She has found a lot of entertainment! My 4 year old son navigates around a computer effortlessly - loading games and creating pictures. They will be teaching me before too long.

I'm back!

Well I'm back from my holiday and I've finally remembered all of my sign-ins and passwords through a tedious process of trial and error! My advice would be to write them down (in several places).
Anyway, you may have noticed that I have changed my blog title. My new title seems to convey my life much more appropriately. I am married with three kids, two cars, a cat, a dog and a 20 year mortgage. I juggle work, school and kinder runs, swimming lessons for the 3 kids, ballet, gymnastics, playgroup and being the Executive Assistant on my son's kindergarten committee. Actually, maybe by title should be Suburban Chaos instead.
The photo I have attached is of my three kids. I took this photo nearly a year ago so they're all a little bit older than this now.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Hi, I've just created my blog.